Re: [NTLK] My first newt

From: Laurent Daudelin (
Date: Thu Feb 14 2002 - 00:23:04 EST

on 13/02/02 19:31, Will at wrote:
> Cheers to Apple for making such a neat machine. Jeers for killing it just
> when it started to reach it's real potential.

Welcome, Will!


Laurent Daudelin            <>
Logiciels Nemesys Software

bug-compatible adj.: [common] Said of a design or revision that has been badly compromised by a requirement to be compatible with fossils or misfeatures in other programs or (esp.) previous releases of itself. "MS-DOS 2.0 used \ as apath separator to be bug-compatible with some cretin's choice of / as an option character in 1.0."

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