Re: [NTLK] New 32 Pretec Card

From: Johannes Wolf (
Date: Mon Feb 18 2002 - 03:55:54 EST

What I did several times was to do a full backup of the smaller "old" card
with NCU to my MAC and then to restore the card only back to the new card.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []On Behalf Of Gregory J. Wayman
> Sent: Sunday, February 17, 2002 8:50 PM
> To:
> Subject: [NTLK] New 32 Pretec Card
> Need Help! I asked yesterday but have not got a response. I am
> trying to move
> everything from
> my Intel 20 Card to my Pretec 32 card in my 2100 . First I tried
> the slow but
> sure way, Select each
> and every item and file them to the new card, it works in most
> cases, but it
> wont allow me to
> move some "right protected packages". So I got frustrated and
> moved everything
> back to the
> intel card, erased the Pretec. I then tried a complete backup via
> Ethernet of
> the intel card.
> (I have my memory punched up on NBU to about 35000 K) My backup
> times out and
> disconnects
> at the point of the SBM Utilities pkg. backup. (I don't know if this is a
> issue or just a coincidence)
> Seems to me last time I upgraded from a 10 meg card it was
> relatively easy.
> Is there a simple
> way to do this that I have forgotten about?
> Greg
> --
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