Re: [NTLK] [OT] Bigger than iWalk

From: Oliver Brose (
Date: Wed Jan 09 2002 - 12:24:46 EST

> Date: 8 Jan 2002 18:03:07 -0800
> From: Sushi <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] [OT] Bigger than iWalk
> great. OTOH, if I want something that recognizes my handwriting I can use
> the Newton. Well, okay, maybe a Pocket PC. But definitely not a Palm device.

Do you really get a Pocket PC to read your writing?
I have to pull out my iPaqed friend again here.
I try to write on it whenever possible. When he's watching me doing it,
he always sais: "It won't read that mess!".
And it does not. Not at all.
I say: "That was *neat* writing in comparison to how I'm used to smear on
the Newt! I'll just scratch this out and try again...".
He: "You can't just scratch out, it's not a Newton."
I : "Oh, how could I forget...".
He: "Wait, I'll show you.".
Then he goes and writes on it. Letter by letter, in a schoolgirl's
handwriting, slowly, much more like painting the words.
And the thing gets about 60% right.
If I'd write like that on the Newt, I would neither bother the cursive
engine, nor electronic ink, and I would still get 98%, in realtime.
He actually tells me from time to time that he is taking notes at meetings
and when he's in business-classes.
I really wonder how he does that.
I really wonder how they manage to market these things as well.

Oliver :)

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