You may want to visit the thread on voice recognition on the Newton
Developers Bulletin Board
> 1) Dragon Demo works on the MP2100, thanks to several patches; I forgot
> who, but we all owe you a big debt.
Actually, DragonDemo worked fine on 2100s before the DragonHack was written,
The package that Paul Guyot relocated (meaning he made it installable after
I removed it from my Newton) came off a 2100. Daniel Padilla wrote
DragonHack which initially added the ability to use the built-in microphone
in the MP to recognize speech. DragonDemo, as it came from Dragon Systems,
required the use of a line-in mic. He next added the ability to have
DragonDemo/DragonHack combo put recognized words into an app. (Daniel also
did some cool magic on another package I had called RoboPic which now
permits one to use any TV remote control to have the MP trip a digital
camera's shutter.)
> 2) One of the patches allows Dragon Demo to be active in any app, such
> as "Notes"; so if you say a state name (all it recognizes, plus zip
> codes) "Connecticut" the word appears in a note.
DragonDemo will also recognize numerals.
> 3) What if someone coded a background app that would be looking for the
> words recognized by Dragon, and would act on them. A prefs slip would
> allow you to choose the words.
The last I communicated with Daniel about this app, he was talking about
doing this very thing. He was also looking for any related ideas that he
could incorporate into the next version of DragonHack.
Ken Whitcomb
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