--- mryendor <mryendor_at_yahoo.com> wrote:
> 1. Is there connection software for Newton on OSX?
> If so what and where can
> I get it?
Nothing native to OSX. Use NCU 1.0 (found at
www.unna.org) and use in Classic environment. I synch
fine either using Ethernet or a serial to USB
> 2. Is there sync software for the Newton on OSX so
> that I can download and
> sync my appointments, emails and etc. if so what and
> where can I get it?
Nope, nada. May be able to get Palm Desktop for OSX
to work, but I've not heard of anyone yet. You can
definitely use Palm Desktop, export your appointments,
etc. and import them into the Newt that way.
> 3. Does the MP2100 require a certain wireless card
> to work with Airport base
> stations? If so what?
No confirmed wireless at this time. There is a person
trying to write drivers for the Lucent WaveLan card.
They've had limited success with an alpha level
driver. You still have issues with an antenna.
> 4.Is there a third party vendor somewhere that still
> makes and/or sells
> Newton accessories like an upright cradle/stand? If
> so, who.
Best bet is to check ebay.
> 5. Is there a development environment for Newton on
> OSX for Newton app
> development? If so, what is it and where can it be
> obtained.
Nothing for OSX native. For OS9 and below, yes.
The main thing to remember is that there are no OSX
native development or connectivity apps for the
Newton. Everything is done in the classic environment
or OS 9.
For any questions regarding the Newton, check out the
FAQ at www.thisoldnewt.com
Hope this helps, from one fairly new newton user to
Jim R.
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