Re: [NTLK] 2000 vs. 2100 screen differences & idle curiosity.

From: Mark Ross (
Date: Wed Jan 16 2002 - 21:25:34 EST

>I get these with a poorly fitted screen protector.
>>i see these "oily rings" myself, usually in class under bright, overhead
>>fluorescent lights. they appear in two spots and can be smeared around with
>>the stylus, but always return to the original spot. one is where the top
>>corner of a "note" is, the other down along the top edge of the button bar.
>>they don't seem to do any harm.
>>scotty t

The "oily rings" are actually Newton rings, an optical phenomena when two
flat surfaces touch in one place and have an air pocket around it. The
different paths the light travels causes interference fringes that look
like rings. The Newtons, unlike most other PDA's, usually don't have
this problem even with a flat screen protector film because the surface
has a slight roughness to it. The Newton rings you see in an unprotected
screen upon depressing with a stylus is from the top plastic film
touching the glass background and causing interference fringes from two
flat surfaces touching each other. The ITO sputtering on the back of the
conductive plastic film is supposed to prevent this.

Mark Ross

NuShields: Your best defense against screen damage

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