On 30/01/02 13:24, "Jim Anderson" <jiman_at_microsoft.com> wrote:
> I recently moved all my data from the internal store of my Newt
> to a flash card (who would have thought that I'd accumulate 1.7MB of
> notes!). I've always backed up to flash cards, since I don't have a mac
> and backing up to windows is insanely flakey, and it's always seemed to
> work in the past. I don't check "backup all packages", but I do check
> all the items in the "information" list. Now, when I back up, the backup
> size is only about 150kB. It seems to me that perhaps I'm only backing
> up the internal store. Does anyone have an idea of what's going on here,
> and how I can back up the information on the flash card to another flash
> card?
I'm not positively sure, but I think that when you're using the built-in
backup to card capability, you don't have much control and are, indeed,
backing up the internal store over the card.
You would need to get SBM Utilities to have full control over what you back
up, where does it come from and where it will be stored.
-- ===================================================================== Laurent Daudelin Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae mailto:Laurent_Daudelin_at_fanniemae.com Washington, DC, USA ********************** Usual disclaimers apply ********************** feeping creature n.: [from feeping creaturism] An unnecessary feature; a bit of chrome that, in the speaker's judgment, is the camel's nose for a whole horde of new features.-- This is the Newtontalk mailinglist - http://www.newtontalk.net To unsubscribe or manage: visit the above link or mailto:newtontalk-request_at_newtontalk.net?Subject=unsubscribe
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