[NTLK] OT: NT Tab completion (was Re:The OQO should have been the new Newton?)

From: Sunder (sunder_at_sunder.net)
Date: Fri Jun 07 2002 - 12:31:54 EDT

The tabkey completion works very well and at all times under NT 4, Win2K,
and possibly XP. Don't know about 9x,ME and don't care.

Copy the following into notepad

 ---->8 cut below this line here 8<-----

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]

---->8 cut above this line 8<-----

(Save it as "tab completion.reg" - you might have to change your views to
unhide extensions as notepad will name this "tab
completion.reg.txt" unless you change the file type to "* All files" when
doing "Save As")

Then double click on the .reg file.

Next time you ring up a comand line, you can use the tab key for file name
completion, but it's unlike bash under unix - it cycles through the file
names and fills in the full pathname.

For example, from a command line, type in notepad c:\auto and hit tab, it
will fill in "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT"

 + ^ + :Surveillance cameras|Passwords are like underwear. You don't /|\
  \|/ :aren't security. A |share them, you don't hang them on your/\|/\
<--*-->:camera won't stop a |monitor, or under your keyboard, you \/|\/
  /|\ :masked killer, but |don't email them, or put them on a web \|/
 + v + :will violate privacy|site, and you must change them very often.
--------_sunder_@_sunder_._net_------- http://www.sunder.net ------------

On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Bryce Lynch wrote:

> On Thu, 6 Jun 2002, Heiko Cultus wrote:
> > > Perhaps I'm biased, but I've failed to find ANYONE that had a convincing
> > > argument against using WinXP other than ethical/MSHatred reasons.
> Tabkey completion comes from either installing Cygwin/bash or a few
> registry hacks that work only when they choose to.
> --
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> "Lensmen eat Jedi for breakfast."
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