Ok, I have both, the new and the old version of the SER-001.
I did not use the serial connection heavily, but from time to time and it is
in both cases reliable.
I think that the new version is a real improvement to the old one in terms
of mimimizing the used height for mounting and the improvement for better
fitting the connector to the logic board.
In general an electrical connection is formed by two parts, a male and a
female connector part. On the male part the pins can be bent, on the female
part the contact pressure to the connector pins could be lost or the
contacts can be corroded. Or the plug is not seated deep enough into the
female connector.
In case of my two Newts the male connector mounted on the SER-001 went quiet
tight into the female connector on the logic board. I checked more than one
time that the male connector is pressed completely down into the female
connector. Having this experience (now with 3 Newts)I rather think that you
did not connect the SER-001 completely to the plug on the logic board.
This would cause an unreliable connection and make the connection strongly
dependent on how good the SER-001 is fixed to the Newts case.
Do not forget that the connection between the miniDIN-connector of your
cable and the miniDIN plug on the SER-001 may also be bad. I had the
experience that some cable plugs are seating rather loose in the SER-001
Thus it is worth trying another cable.
Hope this helps to clarify the problem.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net
> [mailto:newtontalk-bounce_at_newtontalk.net]On Behalf Of Jeremy Bond
> Shepherd
> Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 11:31 PM
> To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk.net
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] ANN: Heads up (SER-001)
> Can I please hear from some who have bought the new SER-001?
> Has anybody with a NEW SER-001 experienced the intermittant failures that
> the old model exhibited on some setups?
> My original SER-001 never worked reliably on my Newton, even after
> countersinking. For example, I would get intermittant failures in the
> middle of a package install, and sometimes the contact would go
> completely
> dead and I would have to open the Newton and reseat the SER-001 board. I
> recall that a few others had the same issues.
> It sounds like the new model has been designed with a more robust
> connection to the motherboard in the aim of elimating these problems. I'm
> sorely tempted to buy one, but would feel better about it if someone who
> had both an OLD and a NEW SER-001 could write in with a report
> that the new
> model hasn't failed for them.
> Any success stories welcomed!
> Thanks,
> -Jeremy
> >I must be insane as I have dropped the price of the SER-001 board to
> >a very affordable $42.50 INCLUDING shipping to ANYWHERE in the world!
> >
> >Now you have no excuse not to buy the very popular serial port adaptor.
> >
> >Please visit my website:
> >
> >http://mrpcbman.tripod.com
> >
> >and grab some today. (makes a great Father's Day gift ;))
> >
> >Regards,
> >
> >PCBman
> --
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