Re: [NTLK] Ethernet Card troubles

From: eric a . Farris (
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 08:07:25 EST

On Tue, Mar 05, 2002 at 05:46:01PM -0500, Victor Rehorst wrote:
> On Tue, 5 Mar 2002, Laurent Daudelin wrote:
> > >From the NIE 2.0 Documentation, kInetErrNoSuchLinkLayerService = -60508. So,
> > NIE is expecting something that is missing. I'm not an expert on networking,
> > but are you sure there isn't some kind of scripts or other validation that
> > is performed when you try to connect? Besides the information that you
> > entered in your internet setup, is there anything else that you left over in
> > the settings you use when connection using your computer?
> >
> > Any networking expert can shed some light here?
> Yes :) Sounds like NIE Ethernet is missing.

A-HA! you're on to something here, Victor. The NIE Ethernet Support
(enetsup.pkg) doesn't appear anywhere in my extras drawer. I just
re-installed it, and it STILL DOESN'T APPEAR. after installing
enetsup.pkg, loctsup.pkg, and modmsup.pkg, i only see "NIE LocalTalk
Module" in the Extensions.

"Ethernet" does appear as one of the choices when going through Internet

I think we're getting closer. I guess i'll have to dust off NCU and try
installing it through Windows (shudder). But does it make sense that i
can choose "Ethernet" in Internet Setup when the module (apparently)
isn't there?

eric a. Farris
Systems Administrator
UMCES, Appalachian Laboratory

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