Get as much memory as you can, but don't spend a fortune on it. Also ( Other World Computing ) has CPU upgrades that are
relatively cheap. I got a G3/466 upgrade for my Power Center Pro 150 for @
$130. Speeds up the processor and increases the bus speed.
The reason why I say not to spend a lot of money is that you will more
than likely really enjoy the Mac. So much so, you will probably want to get
a newer one. And now is the best time to get a Mac. You can get a
refurbished G3 minitower for @ $400, a refurbished G4 for probably @ $700,
or an iBook for under a grand. I am running OS X on my G4 400 and it is
plenty fast.
So rather than pump a whole lotta money into that one, play with it and
see if it is everything you like, except for the speed. Then you can decide
if you want to spend more on a better machine.
>>> On 3/10/02 @ 4:17, Mark Ross wrote:
>>> I'm forced to disagree. System 9.1 (the latest you can
>>> run on this system) is actually faster than versions of
>>> 8. They got rid of a lot of underlying useless code
>>> that had gotten left behind in various updates. Plus,
>>> having a 7500 (which I use at work, BTW) is a great
>>> machine because it is so upgradable. I suggest finding
>>> an upgrade on eBay for cheap. An old Newer card may
>>> only set you back under $100 but can seriouslly improve
>>> speed. Go for a G3 if you can find it.
>> On 3/10/02 @ 4:39, Simon Muller wrote:
>> That's what I experienced as well. 9.1 runs faster on
>> my PM5300, than 8.1 did.
> Uh, the last I looked, the PM5300 is different than a 7500/100! :-o ;-)
> Anyhow, my comments were directed towards a 7500. Over the holidays, I
> fixed one up for a new Mac user.
> The 7500 is a good machine -- I am not disagreeing that. It is very
> upgradable and has plenty of expansion. Plus it saves desktop space.
> I did some time tests with System 8.6 (better in both speed and stability
> than 8.1) and 9.1. I found that there were significant differences in
> boot up times and system responsiveness.
> This fellow was coming over from the Windows world, so boot up speed and
> perceived system speed were very important to him.
> I completely agree with Mark on getting an accelerator. It makes a huge
> difference in the system performance. AFAIR, we installed a Newer G3/300
> card which helped a lot.
> We ended up going with System 9.1 on the accelerated system.
> Another area that will help your system speed is your memory installation
> configuration. You want to install the memory in matched pairs if
> possible. Check the owner's manual for details.
> Sushi
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