Re: [NTLK] T-shirts (colour, style, slogans etc.)
From: Stephen Jendraszak (
Date: Sun Mar 17 2002 - 13:10:56 EST
- Next message: peter brigg: "Re: [NTLK] Urgent: white backlight experiences"
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- In reply to: Jon Glass: "Re: [NTLK] T-shirts (colour, style, slogans etc.)"
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- Reply: Peter Cameron: "Re: [NTLK] T-shirts (colour, style, slogans etc.)"
- Reply: Jon Glass: "Re: [NTLK] T-shirts (colour, style, slogans etc.)"
- Reply: Laurent Daudelin: "Re: [NTLK] T-shirts (colour, style, slogans etc.)"
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On Sunday, March 17, 2002, at 08:16 AM, Jon Glass wrote:
> The problem arises if enough people divert their funds from Victor's
> project
> to another. Yeah, competition is good for business and the consumer, but
> this wasn't started as a consumer thing, but as a "NewtonTalk" thing, to
> show our support for NTLK, and suddenly there is competition for the
> job.
> It's not like we are a large market or anything.
I understand what you are saying here Jon, but if people want polos, I
say let them have polos. Maybe the solution is to organize the polo
sales off-list? Would you feel better about that?
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- Next message: peter brigg: "Re: [NTLK] Urgent: white backlight experiences"
- Previous message: Stephen Jendraszak: "Re: [NTLK] MP 130 on its way..."
- In reply to: Jon Glass: "Re: [NTLK] T-shirts (colour, style, slogans etc.)"
- Next in thread: Peter Cameron: "Re: [NTLK] T-shirts (colour, style, slogans etc.)"
- Reply: Peter Cameron: "Re: [NTLK] T-shirts (colour, style, slogans etc.)"
- Reply: Jon Glass: "Re: [NTLK] T-shirts (colour, style, slogans etc.)"
- Reply: Laurent Daudelin: "Re: [NTLK] T-shirts (colour, style, slogans etc.)"
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