I've stayed out of this thread, but have to join in here with two points
with regards to "cramming text into nooks and crannies" and using
outline mode with the keyboard.
First, you don't have to write in nooks and crannies, you can simply
write on top of words, too. I've got my Newton set to insert words at
carat, and often simply write on top of other paragraphs that already
exist. Only when it's an individual letter (a or I) does it REPLACE the
letter it's written over; when it's a full word, it simply puts it in at
the location of the carat.
Second, the command key equivalents for outline mode can be found by
holding the command key for a second or two while the keyboard is
plugged in. The key equivalents are cmd-] and cmd-[ together with cmd-=,
I think (I'm doing this from memory). The first is "new entry, indent
one (e.g. sub-entry)," the second is "new entry, go back one (e.g. go up
in outline levels)," and the last is "new entry, at same level."
Hope that helps!
>> That helps when "cramming."
> Is there anything
> that even uses the Command-key, or did Apple put that in for a future
> use
> that never happened?
-- Michael C. Wittmann Physics Education Research Laboratory 5709 Bennett Hall University of Maine Orono ME 04469-5709 ---- email: wittmann_at_umit.maine.edu http://www.umit.maine.edu/~wittmann/ http://perlnet.umephy.maine.edu/ tel: 207 - 581 - 1237 fax: 207 - 581 - 3410-- Read the List FAQ/Etiquette: http://www.newtontalk.net/faq.html Read the Newton FAQ: http://www.guns-media.com/mirrors/newton/faq/ This is the NewtonTalk mailing list - http://www.newtontalk.net
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