Allright. I'm sure this question's been asked before. Unfortunately, after=
a search of the NTLK archives and some of Google, I am still at a loss.=
Perhaps someone who's had a similar issue can help.
I am attempting to back up my UMP2000 to my computer, a 1.4GHz 266/DDR=
machine, running Windows 2000 Professional. Running NCU 1.0, after a=
couple seconds, the connection suddenly closes itself with a=
"Disconnecting" message on the progress window. (The same happened with=
NBU but I haven't tried it with slowdown yet. And Newton Package=
Installer just...doesn't work.) The Newton then appears to perform a=
partial reboot (at least, Avi's Backdrop acts as if it has been reloaded)=
and my Newton tells me that my PC disconnected. On my computer's screen,=
a "communications error" appears, "-1". I hear tell that this can be=
fixed with slowdown, so I downloaded slowdown from UNNA and ran it,=
setting both sliders to "slow". No luck, and no apparent change in the=
backup's progress. I am also running an edited registry and the "Serial=
57600" package to connect at 57600 bps.
Am I doomed to backing up to PCMCIA cards simply because of my=
overwhelmingly fast computer (roll of eyes)? Or is there something I'm=
doing wrong? Will the Blackhawks ever win the Stanley Cup? Will Batman=
and Robin escape the Penguin's maze of death??
Hopefully, this will be the last question I ask for some time. I know I've=
been quite demanding in my newbieism and to those who have so kindly and=
patiently helped me with their superior knowledge and resources, I am=
truly appreciative. I give special note to the following: David=
Humphreys, distributor (and creator?) of the ever-useful SER-001 (which I=
plan to obtain once I recover from the amount of money I've laid out=
recently) and generous supplier of humble me with a clasp for my Newton's=
lid; Frank Gruendel, from whose knowledge of batteries and Newton=
internals I have gleaned much information; Ferdi Ozguner, who has been=
free with suggestions about my experience with GEMEnterprises; and Karen=
Boyette, who has graciously given me tips on creating background pictures=
for Avi's Backdrop. Once I have filled the blanks in my Newton knowledge,=
I will be able to put something back into this list from which I have so=
freely taken, be it about Newtons, eMacs, anti-lock brake systems,=
As always, thanks go to those who supply me with help, and to those who=
actually have the tenacity to read my over-long and verbose posts. :)
Michael Mays
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