Ah! but the rub here is did you proclaim from the
higest mountain that the reason you switched is
because you couldn't get a machine to work that 95% of
the computing population uses every day? No...until
today, you kept it to youyself and identify with the
Mac users idea that it's easier to use. Hey! Fine! I
got no problem with that...I'm a tinkerer though. I
love to fiddle, tweak and push the envelope (I have a
Mac LCII on my desk here at home that was running a
68030 at 270mhz until it blew up! Lasted a week or so
with a freon compressor cooling system keeping the CPU
Sure. I have machines that crash. But I have machines
that don't crash either! My Dell Laptop crashes
because I like to tweak my environment until it gets
unstable! But, my Compaq servers at home don't crash.
They never crashed! I work with thousands of Compaq
servers running tens of thousands of websites. (our
shared machines run 20 websites each) and unless
someone makes a weird ASP or Cold Fusion call, the
machines chug along! The State Department and the FDA
both use machines that I maintain, and they are both
running on NT4.0 machines. They get an average of 2-6
million hits a week (of course, they're load balanced,
but that's 2-6 million hits per machine!)They're
stable as a rock. They run ASP, Cold Fusion and we
access them through PCAnywhere. The only time we had a
problem was when one of the RAID arrays failed and we
found that Compaq nolonger made drives for this array.
That's how long it had been running flawlessly! Sure,
the backup-mirrored array took over, but we had to get
a completly new array and once that was installed
everything ran smoothly again!
Sure, I've seen machines crash, but it's usually due
to a driver problem a virus or a hardware failure.
But, if you stick to the rules, the machine will not
fail! Heck, the server running my website
newton.tek-ed.com has been running fine for over a
month. No problem...and I've been using that to burn
CDs and transfer MP3s as well. The only reason I
rebooted it is because I upgraded to the latest SQL
service patch...I suspect I'll have to reboot it again
when I upgrade the Cold Fusion to 5.0 and again when I
upgrade the SQL to 2000...but I dont' expect any other
web/gadget guru
come and see my Newt on the web (well, mostly) at:
--- John Acuff <jacuff1_at_earthlink.net> wrote:
> >
> > on 11/13/02 10:10 PM, Ed Kummel at
> tech_ed_at_yahoo.com wrote:
> >
> >> Hey Jerry Springer! Here's more trailer-trash for
> your
> >> show! Just pick up the Apple "switched"
> >> people...they're not ashamed to tell the world
> they're
> >> idiots!
> So basically you are saying I'm an idiot for
> switching from an OS
> (Windows, which I had used since 3.1) because I was
> tired of fighting
> with my computer all the time to get it to do what I
> wanted, to
> something that just works and I don't have fight
> with it.
> And for the past several months, I actually thought
> I'd done something
> smart!
> John
> "Got Newt!"
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