On Monday, November 25, 2002, at 12:08 PM, Paul Guyot wrote:
> =C0 (At) 17:07 -0700 24/11/02, Grant Hutchinson =E9crivait (wrote) :
>> Indeed.
>> Paul, you seem to have a history of failing hard drives. Maybe it's=20=
>> time
>> to go back to using papertape and punchcards. Just don't fold,=20
>> spindle,
>> or mutilate...
> Well, this time it is purely software.
> I had a kernel panic on the OS of the future and afterwards (wasn't
> doing anything strange), Universal Access appeared twice in the
> preferences. fsck said that the data was corrupted but couldn't help
> (running it twice yielded to the same message).
I like to run Diskwarrior 2.1 from am OS of the past boot disk... Saved=20=
my but many times over.
> Maybe it was the numerous crashes
> of the Finder when copying files via AppleTalk.
I have seen that too, but only on ,y friends machine which had a=20
sketchy DSL connection.
> But you're probably right. I really wonder if computers increase the
> productivity. We spend so much time learning how they work, how to
> use them, installing things, doing backups, etc. At least, I haven't
> wasted too much paper taking notes on the Newton ;) Plus I enjoy
> creating software for myself and for others.
Yes, we do appreciate it... Thanks again Paul!
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