Well, I'm using the printed recognizer, And when I write "lyon lyon lyon",=
I get "lyon lyon Richard", an Apple developer=2E "larryy larryy larryy"
yields "larryy larryy The doctor is in", an obvious reference to Dr=2E Lar=
Yeager, the Apple Fellow who developed the heuristic algorithms used by
However, if I make a mistake in writing, or there is a recognizer error
which I correct, it doesn't work=2E Only when I write, and the Newton
recognizes, the correct 3 names in a row will the Easter Egg be revealed=2E=
Try it again=2E Either it works, or I'm completely
Original Message:
From: drclu_at_swbell=2Enet drclu_at_swbell=2Enet
Date: Fri, 11 Oct 2002 09:13:04 -0400
To: newtontalk_at_newtontalk=2Enet
Subject: [NTLK] New (?) Easter Egg=20
Sorry Gary, it's not happening on my 2x00 Newton=3D2E
Doctor Clu
Previously "gmoody_at_gmx=3D2Enet" <gmoody_at_gmx=3D2Enet> said=3D2E=3D2E=3D2E
Hi guys,=3D20
Googling this evening, I found an Easter Egg I have never before heard
Given the time I have been using my Newton, and a member of this list, I=3D=
thought it a bit surprising ;)=3D20
How it Works:=3D20
1: To get the secret egg for this, write any of these names down 3 times t=
2: larryy=3D20
3: Brandyn=3D20
4: lesv=3D20
5: stafford=3D20
6: lyon=3D20
All of these folks were involved in the development of the Newton HWR,=3D2=
particularly Rosetta=3D3D2E=3D20
Just an aside=3D3D2E=3D3D2E=3D3D2Eyet another cool surprise from a machine=
sedly =3D3D=3D20
for 4 years=3D3D2E=3D3D2E=3D3D2E :)=3D20
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