Thanks very much for your reply. I'm sorry it has taken me two weeks to
reply but I was attending to a family member in the hospital for a week.
You were right! My problem was solved when I went through and manually
deleted about 2000 old To Do items. It seems that To Do Cleaner won't work
if you have more than about 1000 To Do items. Also, SBM Utilities was very
helpful in getting things cleared up.
Thanks again for your help.
Very Sincerely,
Martin Baird
> From: Jon Glass <>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 21:40:39 +0200
> To: Newtontalk <>
> Subject: Re: [NTLK] Simple Newton 2100 memory question
> on 9/25/02 7:25 PM, Martin Baird at wrote:
>> Thanks for your input. Yes, I did restart and freeze everything. Then I
>> tapped on and ran To Do Cleaner. I'm still getting the same result. Do you
>> have any other ideas?
>> Thanks again for your help.
> Is it kosher to suggest deleting old todos from the Dates App, and then
> running the util? It sounds like you have a ton of older stuff that it has
> to work its way through. If you could simplify its task, it might actually
> work. :-)
> --
> -Jon Glass
> Krakow, Poland
> <>
> <>
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