From: Kuritex (
Date: Mon Sep 16 2002 - 14:33:16 PDT
Hello there,
Sadly, but I faced a certain problem with my newly-purchased rarity
(just a storm-beaten Message Pad 130) within a couple of days since
I've bought it. The thing is that I've got it with Newton Keyboard
gadget - and, as far as I tested while buying my Newton, it was
working perfectly. A bit later, however, I tapped Extras drawer and
selected Newton Tour option subsequently in order to personalize the
130. And afterwards my external keyboard appeared to work incorrectly
- as long as I plugged it in and tried to type something, the Notes
carriage started to run by leaps and bounds towards the right edge of
the Newt's screen, not responsing to my violent clicking the gadget
keys... then, when I finally managed to stop carriage, it developed
that a number of keys including Delete don't response to my strokes as
well. Thusly, is here anybody who could advise me the undo-way for
such a annoying malfunction?..
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