From: JimRCGMO (
Date: Thu Jun 05 2003 - 20:14:01 PDT
On 06/05/2003 8:17 PM, Jeff Sheldon wrote:
>On Thu, 5 Jun 2003, Victor Rehorst wrote:
>> What, you want me to organize it? I don't get it... and I know that my
>> levels are topped up, so that can't be why I don't understand ;)
>I can't think of a better man!
>Of course there are plenty of us that may know how to best go about this
>and help out, so there's no reason that you should be the only one making
>it happen.
Actually, this kind of thing has been done for a few years in the Apple
II community under the name KFest (held in KC Missouri area, thus the
name). If you want, I could provide some names and email addresses of
people who are leaders/wheels in terms of KFest. I figure they have had
to deal with some of the same kinds of hurdles that NewtFest (my
suggested name for it) would be working on.
KFest is held at a small college campus in July, using the dining room in
one of the dorms for many of the meals, the lounges on the dorm floors
for some of the sessions, etc...
They are having Woz as their guest speaker this year, BTW... :-) (The
Steve that didn't kill the Apple II series ;-)
Let me know - Victor, others? - if you'd like me to connect you up with
those addresses/people. KFest is pretty well run by a committee from year
to year, and their fees are $100 less for early registration (since that
allows them to know how many rooms to reserve in the dorms). Part of the
expenses are underwritten by a few vendors (maybe only 1 or 2, I'm
guessing partly here), and the registration fee includes some of the
meals during the 4 to 6 days of the event.
Hope that can help everyone who could help get this rolling. As a future
Newton newbie (once I get some money saved up for a MP2100), I'd like to
attend a NewtFest (under whatever name it happens) with my Newton once I
get it.
Jim Rohde
"The future belongs to those who believe in their dreams."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
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