From: Jack Skoda (
Date: Thu Jun 19 2003 - 14:11:34 PDT
On Thursday, Jun 19, 2003, at 15:56 US/Eastern, Chip Matteson wrote:
> We nearly got that in Texas last month when the Republicans tried to
> Jerrymander out the Democrats. The Democrats actually had to go to
> Oklahoma
Oh it's not just the Republicans, Darth Reno and her storm troopers
spent the Clinton years storming plywood shacks and running down
Christians with tanks. History is rife with human rights violations
on both sides, left and right. Why can't we just get along?
If one congressperson dies the governor of the state appoints a
replacement, who stands until the next election cycle.
Why is that suddenly not good enough? Like the country couldn't get
along without congress for a week or two.
Mark Twain's words are stuck in the back of my mind:
If I was a complete fool and a member of congress, but I repeat
// Jack Skoda <>
// Crucifixtion is a really awful way to try to kill yourself;
// you can never hammer in the last nail. --Niel
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