From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Sun Nov 02 2003 - 04:51:47 PST
Dear all,
The Newton Modem list provided by Len Lutz at is pretty vintage (1997).
I haven't really found anything more contemporary in the FAQ (March 2003
Update at ) addressing my current area of
interest, which incidentally concerns investigating which PCMCIA card
modems run analogue AND ISDN connections (and - wishful thinking - maybe
even mobile voice telephony via headset???) off any NOS 2.x Newtons.
For the area of internal modems, the FAQ references Len's Newton Modem List...
A search in the Newtontalk archive hasn't lead to much, either.
*** Are there any more current Modem Lists that I have missed? ***
*** Maybe you have some more current information on PCMCIA modems, maybe
even about analogue/ISDN cards. Also interesting: external analogue/ISDN
modems and any combination of either ISDN or analogue with mobile telephony.
It'd be very interesting to hear what card, drivers, modem scripts you are
using, so pls. let us know. ***
Finest regards,
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