Re: [NTLK] Rechargeable NiMH AA bateries for Newton

From: Mark Benson (
Date: Fri Nov 28 2003 - 13:07:59 PST

On Nov 28, 2003, at 08:23 pm, Matthew Reidsma wrote:

>> But if I load 4 AA NiMH rechargeables in the AA Tray they will be
>> treated as alkalines batteries and will not be charged, right?
> Correct.
>> Mark Benson wrote:
>>> I should warn you guys you CAN NIOT under ANY circumstances use the
>>> built-in charger circuit in the Newton to charge NiMH batteries.
> Not quite Mark. IN the 2k series, the original battery was a NiMH, and
> the Newt charges it just fine. Likewise, there is a fairly
> straightforward hack to the battery tray that will allow you to charge
> NiMH batteries in the tray using the adapter. It essentially makes the
> tray seem like the built in battery, and includes the proper
> electronics for current limiting and temperature monitoring.

Sorry - I was basing the theory on my vasty inferior MP130 :)

Mark Benson
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