Re: [NTLK] Need a new backlight

From: John Osborne (
Date: Tue Feb 03 2004 - 19:33:13 PST

Does anyone know what it would take to add a brighter backlight source
to a Newton? On the ferry to and from work today I showed off my
MP130 and MP2100 to a techie friend that owns one of those all-in-one
cell phones/PDA/camera. It's impressive how sophisticated NOS is
compared to a modern OS. Where the Newton really doesn't shine though
is in the readability of the screen. My demos really suffered because
he just couldn't see the screen well enough while I was driving the MP.
The screen on his PDA is very easy to read even in a bright room--nice
and white like paper. Now I have visited the Backlight project web site
but they claim that the white replacement EL element is not as bright
as the original green one from Apple. My friend's PDA is slimmer than a
MessagePad so one would imagine that the lighting element is also very
thin. I also realize that brightness translates into shorter battery
life but I'm willing to make that tradeoff.


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