From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 14:52:38 PST
Aux environs du 19/02/04 à 4:35 -0600, sous le titre "[NTLK] Okay,
Newtonscript, I give up.", Jack Burks prit sa plus belle plume pour
écrire les mots suivants:
>create a union soup using GetUnionSoup
GetUnionSoup doesn't create any soup. Actually, union soups are just
unions of soups and they do not exist per se. However, when you do:
>RegUnionSoup(kAppSymbol,{name: "High Scores",userName:"High
you do get some object that will create your soup when you will call
AddToDefaultStoreXmit on it. I.e. AddToDefaultStoreXmit will trigger
a call to CreateSoupXmit.
But this will fail because you didn't specify the indexes properly.
Indexes is an array of indexes, not a single index. The function
doesn't tell you and this is why I prefer to do it manually (i.e.
with GetDefaultStore():CreateSoupXmit(...) and then AddIndexXmit and
Anyway. You should try:
local myUnionSoup := RegUnionSoup(
name: "High Scores:" & kAppSymbol, // <-- notice how I make this
// unique to your application
userName: "High Scores",
ownerApp: kAppSymbol,
ownerAppName: kAppName,
structure: 'slot,
path: 'levels,
type: 'int
// <-- other indexes may come here
// such as indexes on the timestamp.
Also, to get this working, you may need (on your own Newton)
UnRegUnionSoup on the name (well, actually, since I advise you to use
something else than "High Scores" for the name, it may not be
necessary). What I mean is that RegUnionSoup will maintain in memory
the soup definition including the buggy index array if you passed a
frame (and not an array). And this thing goes away with a call to
UnRegUnionSoup. It probably also goes away with a restart.
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