Re: [NTLK] Problems With Newton Press

From: Dan (
Date: Wed Jun 02 2004 - 09:45:52 PDT

>On 2-jun-04, at 14:21, Joel Pigdon wrote:
>> I have been using newton press to make newtonbooks of my uni PDFS
>> <snip>has anyone else experianced this problem, it is baffling and
>> irritating. any help would be greatly appreciated
>AFAIK Newton Press is very unreliable, I thought that Bookmaker does a
>better job but might be wrong, hardly use Newton books myself.
>I'n the meantime don't kill yourself over trying to get an unstable app
>do the job and wait until our local DJ and book expert will chime in...

Well I am not DJ but I will offer my 2.5 cents. :) Yes Bookmaker is much
more stable, however it has a larger learning curve as well. If you just
want to make plain books with a simple table of contents then it is very
quick to learn Bookmaker. The fancier you get, the more complex the
commands. But adding images is just one more command and is not that
difficult. Fancy layouts, is where it can get tricky. Also Bookmaker is
not "what you see is what you get" like Press. To see how the book looks
you need to install it on a Newton. Another downside is Bookmaker was
designed for the "classic" screen of the MP 1x0. And while they are
perfectly readable in portrait mode of the 2000 and emate, it does not work
for landscape.

The upside to the program is it is much more stable, very fast to add a
table of contents compared to Press, and it can have fancy layouts and
backgrounds that Press can't compete with. As for the inability to do full
screen rendering on the 2000 and emate, I am working on a solution. I
thought I had it when I put out the tutorial "Newton Bookmaking 101" but ran
into a problem which will be discussed in a revision to be released soon.


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