From: Patrick Wynne (
Date: Tue Jun 15 2004 - 21:26:35 PDT
Hi everyone. Newton newbie here, trying without much luck to connect my
new 2100 with my TiBook (running OS 10.3.3).
I was having trouble establishing an AppleTalk connection until I read
on the list that I should be using the latest nightly build of eScale.
So I downloaded the 20040523-0431 build and tried again. Success! For a
little while.
I managed to get the Dock TCP/IP package installed, as well as Newt's
Cape. But then, while trying to install DashBoard, eScale froze. After
about 10-15 minutes of stalled progress, eScale crashed.
I then reconnected and tried to install NewtonWorks; again eScale
stalled before finishing and then crashed.
Now, whenever I try to connect, the Newton can't find the Mac and then
eScale crashes. It never stays up for more than 2 or 3 minutes.
I've deleted eScale and its attendent preferences, reinstalled it and
tried again. No luck. Since I managed to get Dock TCP/IP installed, I
tried to connect that way, but got an error on the Newton side. Then
eScale crashed.
Any suggestions and/or help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm
tearing my hair out over this.
Patrick Wynne
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