From: David Ensteness (
Date: Mon Jun 21 2004 - 06:27:41 PDT
1. - The processor cards are relatively cheap in comparison to all
other parts.
2. - The video is on the logic board so if it is actually a problem
with the video chipset or the output port there isn't anything you can
do but replace the board or pay Apple to repair it.
Adding the DVD-ROM is not difficult if you are comfortable gutting a G3
iMac ... if you aren't then its quite hard.
Logic boards for iMacs are pretty expensive.
One last thing might be feature set, the 500MHz model has FireWire, the
350 does not. The video on the 500MHz is also a lot better (if it was
in working condition).
My advice is to find out more about the condition of the video and if
it could be caused by something other than a bad chipset. The video
cable is hard to find but if bought second hand not too expensive.
> 1- iMac G3 350MHZ Indigo w/CD-ROM standard in MINT condition.
> 2- iMac G3 500MHZ Indigo w/CD-ROM upgd with IDE 60GB + 384MB RAM with
> a defect in the video output (has some dot/little bar besides the
> prompt always and the image gets solarized when playing a video)
> In case #1, I would like to upgrade to at least a 400MHZ processor so
> I can run iTunes and Firewire and add a DVD-ROM/CD-RW.
> In case #2, I would like to replace the defective part and add a
> DVD-ROM/CD-RW. I do not know which may be the replacement part and how
> expensive it may be. Is it the complete motherboard, or is there a
> daughterboard, or is there a video card.
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