From: Calvin Grier (
Date: Mon Mar 29 2004 - 13:13:34 PST
This is very exciting work you are doing. Thanks for putting the effort into
making the lives of Newtoneers better - helping us stay up-to-date in this
very connected world we live in.
Does the Linux version require use of TCP/IP connection for Docking or does
it work with Serial? Is there a web page with any overview stuff on how to
set up the DCL on a Linux machine?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Guyot" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 29, 2004 2:52 AM
Subject: [NTLK] [ANN] Towards DCL 1.1
> Hi all,
> This is an announcement of the work currently performed on the
> Desktop Connection Library towards the 1.1 milestone.
> What is the Desktop Connection Library?
> ---------------------------------------
> The DCL is a C++/Obj-C multi-platform framework for Newton data
> manipulation on desktop computers and data exchange between desktop
> computers and Newtons using the built-in Dock protocol (the protocol
> used by the NewtonOS 2.1 Dock application and the NewtonOS 1.x and
> 2.0 Connection application).
> The DCL currently compiles on Linux and MacOS X. We haven't checked
> recently, but it very probably compiles on FreeBSD as well. NetBSD
> users will have to wait until posix threads are brought into the
> kernel to fully take advantage of the DCL. We're still looking for
> Windows and BeOS developers.
> What will DCL 1.1 bring?
> ------------------------
> The 1.1 milestone of the DCL shall include:
> - package-related capabilities
> - handling of styled text in NewtWorks and Notes formats
> - handling of sounds
> - built-in synchronization protocol
> - a modular interface for data exchange and synchronization
> - Escale 1.1 and Delivery 1.1
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