From: Ed Kummel (
Date: Wed May 05 2004 - 23:32:26 PDT
You mean the vapor-ware that was supposed to be
release last fall? Or the fall before that?
I think I remember reading about that device around
the same time that TransMeta was talking about their
forming as a startup!
Here is an interesting timeline of articles on OQO.
In otherwords, I'll believe it when I go down to my
local Best Buy and play with one on display!
web/gadget guru
come and see my Newt on the web (well, mostly) at:
--- Christopher Dean <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Has anyone seen the OQO handheld PC (
> being released this US
> fall?
> It has everything the Newton would have had by
> now...
> - Integrated keyboard
> - Colour screen
> - Bluetooth
> - 802.11b
> - USB
> - WinXP (ok, not so good..)
> - 20GB HDD
> - Docking station
> The list goes on. Looks like my team will have to
> "test" a few of these :)
> Regards,
> Chris
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