Re: [NTLK] My first long waited Newton!

From: Alan Davis (
Date: Fri May 07 2004 - 09:58:05 PDT

    Benvenuto alla lista!
    J & K Sales has some inexpensive PCMCIA Linear Flash Cards on E-bay, and
they ship worldwide. These are more compatible and do not require a driver.
They are more expensive per MB though, so I can understand wanting to go the
ATA route. Hope this helps!

    We trained hard- but it seemed that every time we began to form up into
teams, we would be reorganized. I was to learn later in life that we tend to
meet any new situation by reorganizing- and a wonderful method it can be for
creating the illusion of progress while producing confusion, inefficiency,
and demoralization.

                                             Petronius Arbiter
                                             210 B.C.

On 05/07/04 7:12 AM, "Tommaso" <> wrote:

> Hello Newton World!
> I'm a new happy Newton 2100(2000 UpGrd) owner here in Italy (are any
> italian here?)

> 5- Expand memory by PCMCIA (I need YOUR HELP :-)
> Here in Italy is very simple to find cheap memory such as SD, MMC,
> Memory stick, CF and CF II; ATAs like my Pretec are impossible to
> find. It could be useful if someome could help me to choice a good
> solution about this memory issue. I think to get a PCMCIA memory
> adapter 4x1 and use 128-256Mb SD or MMC or get a PCMCIA CF/CF II
> adapter with 128-256mb CF/CFII or IBM Microdrive. Does anyone tried
> these solutions on his Newton 2000/2100?
> Thanks to exist Greens and Prouds
> Tommaso

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