Re: [NTLK] [OT] AVIBD MATRIX - Adult Newton Software

From: Sonya Hipper (
Date: Fri May 07 2004 - 10:05:09 PDT


> I understand folk have differing opinions. However, my cause for
> concern
> originally in this thread was that the original posters seemed to care
> less
> that we have younger posters here. Granted, my arguing the topic right
> off
> the top only brings more attention to the topic which I find
> distasteful,
> however, at least these younger one's aren't led to believe that no one
> cares otherwise.

The trouble is, your "care" is misplaced pretty badly. If you want to
care about something in this realm, care about the lack of quality
sexual education in the USA owing to BAD policy, but read on...

> Society today screams, "HAVE AT IT! IF IT FEELS GOOD DO IT! NO
> CONSEQUENCES!" That is exactly why teen pregnancy is out of control,
> and other sexually transmitted diseases not to mention sexual crimes.

Actually, the blame for this falls squarely on lack of proper education
and sexual socialization. Case in point, teen pregnancies have only
risen in the age of Abstinence-only "sex-ed". If people aren't given
proper understanding of potential consequences, or shown all their
options for means of prevention (e.g. CONDOMS, pill for pregnancy,
etc.), as well as ways to use them that don't feel awkward, then these
problems would abate, like they have in more civilized countries, like
Holland for example.

So, yes! Have at it...IF you know what you're doing. If it feels good,
do it...with the right precautions. Then, all but surely there will be
no regrets or consequences.

> If the majority of this list doesn't agree, yes, I'll leave. If every
> forum
> of which I'm a part suddenly pushes issues like this to the front with
> no
> other also standing to cry "FOUL!" then, yes, I'll leave those groups
> also.

No one's asking you to leave, but if you're going to put forward a
political opinion in an essentially public forum, you have to be ready
for the fact that it won't be shared, and will be debated.

But, you know what? No harm, no foul.


     "I urge you all today, especially today during these
times of chaos and war, to love yourself without reservations
and to love each other without restraint. Unless you're into
leather. And then, by all means, use restraints."
                                                 —Margaret Cho

Sonya Hipper

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