From: Eckhart Köppen (
Date: Sun May 16 2004 - 23:23:16 PDT
On Sun, 16 May 2004 01:47:22 +0200, noiseiskinky wrote:
> 1: NC/VC installed on expansion card - sending a vcard from my
> cellphone cause a Newton reset, then it restart and simply show a
> generic error message saying Newton resetted due to a generic error
> system
Can you send me the vCard by itself? It might be that there is
something in it which causes IC/VC to crash.
> 2: installed NC/VC on newton internal memory
This should not make a difference for IC/VC. The only package in this
context which is probably best located on a card (note: card better
than internal!) is the NIE Nitro & Blunt module.
> Now I really don't know what I've to do (i'm meditating an hard reset
> and a slow - package per package - reinstall of everything I need/use.
That should not be necessary.
> How can i delete
> caches/preferences/residual/everythingrelatedtoanuninstalledpackage ?
If you want to isolate errors, freezing packages is much better than
repeated installing and uninstalling, also because you can make a
direct connection between a package being thawed and any errors it
creates when it gets activated.
I clean preferences with Standalone's Pref's Cleaner. Other data is in
the "Storage" folder of Extras, you can simply scrub out the soups
which have a connection (usually recognizable by their name) to the
package you want to check.
> And what is Nitro/Blunt NIE patch ? Where can I get it
As Christian pointed out, it's linked from tbe Blunt webpage. It gives
you the options of IrDA and Bluetooth for Internet Setup. It makes the
patched NIE module (linked from the Nitro page) obsolete, so if you use
NIE Nitro & Blunt support, you should remove the patched NIE Modem &
Serial module and replace it with the original (e.g. from UNNA).
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