Re: [NTLK] [NTLK][OT] deja vu, ipod gets its own division

From: Edmund Blackadder (
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 05:15:36 PDT

On 24 May 2004, at 12:55, Joel M. Sciamma wrote:

> Martin,
>> Nuff said? Let the newton rebirth rumors begin! (again, and again..)
> Possibly the reverse. Jobs gave the main reason for creating divisions
> like
> this is that they are easier to kill off if they don't perform
> satisfactorily - and we all know what happened to Newton, Inc., not to
> mention Claris.
> I note that there is now a Mac division…
AN ipod division, not a MAc division. The whole company is the mac

Lets be realistic....

Ipod can die, mac cannot.

90% of Apple is concentrated on mac.

Oh my, all the time the same conversations...Countless times in
magazines,. sites and lists..."mac is going to die, is going to run on
intel, is going to transform to electronic toilet paper.."

Job's vision is the macintosh. Not the ipod (and not the newton


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