From: DJ Vollkasko (
Date: Thu Oct 07 2004 - 06:18:02 PDT
Thanks all on NTLK and bc for all the good advice! It was really helpful in
checking that machine and making my decision...
....and: I'm buying into the Powerbook thing. It has only a tiny crack in
the case near the headphone plug and about 10 dead pixels and comes with a
brandnew power supply, original box and everything (OSX 10.3, too). The
price will be about 10-15% less than what has been quoted here, plus the
buyer actually demanded serial payments of EUR 50,-- per month. Really cool!
I'll up it with a new and speedy Fujitsu 5400 rpm HD, and fit the old
internal HD into a Firewire/USB-case as external backup medium.
I'm looking forward to use that machine with my Newton via BT (more in a
second) as well as finally have a machine that will allow me to digitize
some precious vinyl and my 78s, which I always wanted to play in my
radioshow, but haven't been able to (no Musicassette drives there, no
minidisc or DAT here...). If Garageband doesn't do the job, then I might
use Audacity for the harddiskrecording and use Pro Tools to see if perhaps
I can even pre-produce radio shows at home. Now I only have to find out
*which* USB-audio device to get. Terratec? Creative? x-Link? Griffin iMic? ...
BT: I'll follow Eckart's recommendation and get myself a Sphinx Pico BT
PC-Card for my Dr. Gruendelstein 2g00. But what should I use for BT on the
Powerbook? A D-Link USB-stick has been recommended, but I dislike the
thought of having stuff sticking out on the back. Has anybody ever tested
the Pico cards in a Powerbook?
Finest regards,
>Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 22:45:32 +0200
>From: DJ Vollkasko <>
>Subject: [NTLK] [OT] Apple G4 500 MHz 15'' Titanium PowerBook - fair price? Is
>Dear all,
>I've been offered above mentioned 2001 Apple PowerBook (MacOS 9.x, OS X,
>large Display, 512 MB RAM, 20 GB HD, USB 1, Firewire, only 1 PC-Card Slot,
>IrDa, cool looks...) under very interesting conditions (fitting my economic
>situation - and that of the seller) and I'm hoping for some support in my
>decision whether to buy or not. So here some OT-questions, perhaps you can
>generously lighten my tremendous ignorance:
>- What's a fair price?
>- Is it good?
>- What can I expect from the rechargeables, and how expensive is the
>replacement? Is a DIY hack possible to recell the pack?
>- What do I need to check this machine for, what's the usual traps, bugs
>and caveats of that series?
>- What would be needed to make it talk Bluetooth?
>- Can I upgrade to modern OS X releases w/o losing the option to boot into
>MacOS 9.x?
>- Can this machine run GarageBand?
>- What would I need on the PB/on the Newt to sync data?
>I'm not too Mac-savvy (well, I upgraded a pizzabox PPC 6100 and a Performa
>and maintained them for me luv for over five or six years and we published
>a print mag with them, but that don't make me a wizzard, least of all of
>anything post-1996 and better than MacOS 8.5), so kindly bear with me.
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