From: Andreas Nijenhuis (
Date: Wed Oct 27 2004 - 01:21:07 PDT
Dear Raj and Johannes,
Thanks for your reaction.
The heap memory is 52 k with extensions activated (according to NewtTest
1.0, and 66836 bytes once BugTrap thawed, according to itself).
BugTrap reported the following information on the freeze problem. Since
it is like an extraterresterian language to me, I copy it here for those
who do understand :
Dear Developer:
This BugTrap log was created when I < try to select an icon in the Extra
drawer >.
This problem/log < is something I can reproduce >.
The log was created and the program appeared to < not work correctly >
Sorry, a problem has occurred.
(#C40C6C1).install(10), 47:=09GetVar [ 4 ]
Stack Trace:
Debugging at stack level: 0
Current Receiver from level: 0
{install: <=5Ffunction: 1 arg>,
{install: <=5Ffunction: 1 arg>,
18: Branch 22
21: PushConstant NIL
22: BranchIfNil 39
25: PushSelf
26: Push 'install
27: GetVar [ 3 ]
28: PushConstant 1
29: Add 2
30: Push 'Array
31: MakeArray 1
32: PushConstant 1000
35: Push 'AddDelayedSend
36: Call 4
37: Return
38: Pop
39: GetVar [ 4 ]
40: Push 'PutAwayScript
41: Push 'EnsureInternal
42: Call 1
43: Push <=5Ffunction: 1 arg>
46: SetPath 0
47: GetVar [ 4 ]
48: Push 'fScreenTemplates
51: Push 'EnsureInternal
52: Call 1
53: GetVar [ 4 ]
54: Push ['=5Fproto,'fScreenTemplates,]
57: GetPath 1
pc =3D 47
Newton machine type: 268447744 Built: 2/19/97 13:43
CPU: strongarm 162.184 mhz
ROM: 2.1 (717260) patched -- Total RAM: 933888 bytes -- Free Heap RAM:
66836 bytes
Screen Depth: 4 -- Screen Size/Res: 480x320 100x100
This note was created by BugTrap 1.6 from Tactile Systems, Inc.
Send us comments or suggestions.
NSDebugTools =A9 Apple Computer, Inc.
Thanks again,
-- ------------ Andreas Nijenhuis Newton MesagePad 2000 -- This is the NewtonTalk list - for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles:
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