From: Paul Guyot (
Date: Wed Oct 27 2004 - 02:15:46 PDT
Aux environs du 27/10/04 à 10:21 +0200, sous le titre "[NTLK]
Freezing on selecting", Andreas Nijenhuis prit sa plus belle plume
pour écrire les mots suivants:
>Dear Raj and Johannes,
>Thanks for your reaction.
>The heap memory is 52 k with extensions activated (according to NewtTest
>1.0, and 66836 bytes once BugTrap thawed, according to itself).
>BugTrap reported the following information on the freeze problem. Since
>it is like an extraterresterian language to me, I copy it here for those
>who do understand :
There seems to be a package conflicting with NewtonOS built-in
freezing feature.
I suggest booting without any package activated (reboot and press on
the side of the screen with the pen, the Newton should ask you if you
want to activate packages).
Then look if it still occurs. Activate packages one by one until
freezing no longer works and you get this -48200 error.
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