[NTLK] turning the rumor mill

From: Thomas Isenbarger (isen_at_charter.net)
Date: Fri Sep 23 2005 - 13:07:41 PDT

I picked this up from macosrumors today:

"The iPod Shuffle began the Flash Memory revolution at Apple, and the
iPod Nano has displayed its full flower; but there is a lot more to
come -- the revolution will extend far beyond iPods and similar
digital lifestyle devices currently in development at Apple. The big
leap will come when Flash and other RAM-based storage is introduced
to the Mac platform...."

"Imagine a "Mac Nano" or a "NanoBook." Significantly smaller than
today's equivalents, and with significantly faster storage
performance. That is precisely the kind of thing that we're hearing
about from Apple's deepest and darkest R&D circles, and we'll be
reporting on it further in the days to come -- so stay tuned!"

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