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On Aug 4, 2006, at 1:35 PM, Seb Payne wrote:
> a.) I've never seen a real Newton - can anyone related how big a
> 2000/2100
> is to everyday objects?
It's roughly the size of a VHS tape. I don't have one here for
comparison -- maybe a little bigger?
> b.) How heavy is a 2000/2100 with battery pack?
A little over a pound.
> c.) Can anyone give any comments on email/internet support - I hear
> it isn't
> brilliant but any user comments?
Mail V works well for light usage. Picking up a few emails here,
sending a few emails there. I don't think I would want to do any
heavy email duty on the Newton.
Web browsers are a little too slow and out-of-date to be useful,
IMHO. But in a pinch, you could pull up a small web page.
Internet access is not the Newton's strongest point (organization and
information management is), but it's not completely cut off from the
> d.) I've been talked to 'knowledgenavigator' (
> and I can
> get a 'good condition' 2100 for $189 which seems a lot to me. The
> $89 ones
> aren't in that good nick. Any thoughts on this pricing (I'm in the
> UK so I'd
> be interested to hear if anyone has a 2000/2100 for sale in the UK)?
I haven't bought one in a while, but it seems like around US$150 is
an average price for a good condition Newton.
> e.) Is there much difference between getting a 2000/21000 - can't
> the extra
> memory just be added?
2000's can be upgraded, but from what I understand the daughterboard
and chips used to do so are in short supply. The FAQ has a lot of
info on the topic of 2000 vs 2100 and memory upgrades.
> f.) How stable are the syncing solutions for Tiger 10.4 - are they
> being
> developed or not?
They have a number of known data loss bugs and I haven't seen any
updates in a while. Some folks are using NewtSync and doing OK. I
think it depends on the amount of data you are trying to sync.
At the moment I am keeping my info on the Newton and just not
worrying about syncing. It makes my life a whole lot less stressful.
> My main concern is that it is will be too big - I'm only a teenager
> so I
> don't want to go around carrying something that is gonna make me
> look stupid
It is about 4x times as big as a Palm and about 10x as useful as an
organizer. Looks aren't everything. ;)
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