Thanks for the info but... no way.
I tried images down to 1-bit gif and, while on XP NCU they simply do
not transfer, on OS X NCU through a Keyspan adapter the "Paste from
Clipboard" button even remains gray (maybe the OS X connection at 115k
has some influence??). No need to mention that any other "keyboard
passthru", i.e. typing and pasting text works flawlessly both on XP as
well as on OS X.
I will give up as I was just testing still the curiosity... Especially
because page 36 of the Win NCU manual (page 38 on the Mac version)
reads as follows
> The “Paste from Clipboard” button is dimmed if the Clipboard is empty
> or if the Clipboard has graphics and no text.
So curiosity is even greater. I will (pretend to) leave with it.
Il giorno 23/mag/06, alle 07:20, Walter Remson ha scritto:
> The only other considerations in transferring information form your
> computer to your Newton would be the data type. You can copy past just
> about any text into Notepad. With Works you can past in text as well as
> transfer RTF (Rich Text Format), do not use the Word version of RTF but
> the universal version. With tables the issue is a bit more complex, you
> need to use comma or tab delimited file format. Again you have take
> care that the tab space are in proportion to the screen on the Newton.
> I have template in Word for this issue that uses the same measurement
> as Newton Press.
> As for pictures you are limited to GIF formated files. Also the number
> of colors is limited to four. FIles saved with more colors are to large
> to be pasted into your Newton. Black and white images (2 color ) also
> work well on your Newton. There maybe other limitations but these are
> the one I can remember for right now.
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