#1 - Through anything but NewtonOS, nope, zero, nada. The only hope
is to get the ATA driver to let you read the whole card, and get the
packages on through some other Newtoid unit...
On 2. Nov, 2006, at 0:32, Aaron wrote:
> Problem 1:
> I've got an eMate and 2 pcmcia flash cards. One is the newton 4mb
> card which
> I can read and write on with my emate. The second one is an M-
> systems 24mb
> that I bought off of ebay. The emate says that it can only read
> from the
> card, which is ok since I bought it for $9.99 shipped. The only
> problem is
> its useless unless I can put packages on it or something. I've got
> a laptop
> dual booting with windows and linux (ubuntu) so I can insert the
> card into
> that. When I do put either of the cards in, they come up as "PCMCIA
> UKNOWN_MANUFACTURER." in the windows device manager. Is there
> anyway I can
> access/write on the cards through windows or linux? If so how?
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