I'm a new Newt owner, a 2000 made into a 2100 and a 120.
The 120 will be used mainly for book reading; the 2100 for day to day
organization and data.
1. is there a web site with step by step, complete-idiot-in-mind,
directions for establishing a wifi (and wired) Ethernet connection
between the 2100 and Windows XP?
I've done a fair amount of network setup, amateur status well
maintained, but I'm having a lot of trouble with the MP 2100, an Orinoco
wireless card and my windows office network. I also have a wired network
card, a 3Com, which I'd like to get working too. The guy I bought from
said it all worked for him on his Mac.
2. How might I cross-synchronize between my Sony Clie Palm handheld
and the MP 2100 (and 120 for addresses)? Is it seamless via a utility?
Will I need to transfer information from Palm to, say, a .csv file, then
import to the MP? Anyone know where to look for information on that subject?
3. How difficult is it to replace the screen on the 2100? The one I
bought has a lot of scratches and one blotchy spot that can't be written
on, a spot about 3/4 inch in diameter. I've thought about buying another
for the screen, IF it's a replacement job someone who's not too
technically/hands-on savvy can handle. Comments?
Many thanks for any assistance.
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