Today, I recieved a newton connection kit that I bought from eBay. Included
was a serial/interconnect dongle, a serial cable, and a Keyspan Twin USB
After hooking everything up, the connection won't work. The drivers are
installed, and I've tried connecting to 3 different Newtons (a MP 130, a MP
2100, and an eMate 300) from 2 different Macs (Powermac G4 MDD 1.25 and a
Bondi Blue iBook 300). I called Keyspan, and was greeted with about the
rudest tech support representative I have ever encountered (and I've had to
call Microsoft before). He insisted that, since the Keyspan software
detected the device, that it had to be working.
I know that the problem is not with the IC dongle, because the MP130 doesn't
use it. That leaves 2 things: the serial cable (which was still wrapped up
in its' nice packaging, and cable-tied together), or the Keyspan. Any ideas
on anything I can try without having to send anything back?
For that matter, does anyone have a spare copy of OS9 they would be willing
to sell me?
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