I've managed to get my emate onto my home wireless network, and would
like to use it as a "jukebox remote control" to operate my music
collection using webremote
(http://www.deadendsw.com/Products/webRemote.html) on a Mac. However,
I've run up against a problem. Webremote can only be hosted on ports
above 2000, and I can't seem to find a way to point Nethopper
anywhere EXCEPT port 80.
I know I could probably work around this by buying a new router with
port forwarding, or I have buddy who says he can configure ipfw and
divert incoming calls to port 80 in OS X over to the webremote port,
but I thought I'd check here to see if I've overlooked something
obvious. Searching the archives here shows that somebody cracked a
very similar nut for the "Browsertunes" program,
(http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=newtontalk&m=111423790815609&w=2 )
and *that* program has the same port limitations as webremote (which
has fewer bugs, and I've paid the shareware fee). Both programs work
with PS's on my home network.
Is there a way to trick Nethopper into properly interpreting a URL of
the form http://ipnum:port/filename.html? Should I be using a
different browser?
thanks in advance!
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