On 7/18/07, Matt Howe <matthowe@comcast.net> wrote:
> If you are using Windows newer than 98 then you will either have to run
> Slowdown.exe or what I prefer, create a virtual machine to run Win98SE. I
> find that much more reliable. But of course that presumes you have a
> source
> for a Win98SE install disk.
Hey Matt,
If one was to be interested in doing this they could also run Windows 95.
Am I not right? My Dell from that vintage was purchased with W95.
And just in case anyone needs it I actually have W95 CDs and Licenses
I've got them somewhere in my basement.
-- God bless, Sonny Hung the Hung Family -- This is the NewtonTalk list - http://www.newtontalk.net/ for all inquiries Official Newton FAQ: http://www.chuma.org/newton/faq/ WikiWikiNewt for all kinds of articles: http://tools.unna.org/wikiwikinewt/Received on Thu Jul 19 00:12:15 2007
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