Re: [NTLK] Someone needs to take, now (re:phpbb)

From: Steven Scotten <>
Date: Wed Mar 28 2007 - 12:33:32 EDT

On Mar 28, 2007, at 8:13 AM, Dan wrote:
> On 3/28/2007 10:10 AM, Tim Breitberg wrote:
>>>>> On Mar 28, 2007, at 7:57 AM, John Sammons wrote:
>>>>> I would be willing to help move the newtontalk list to
>>>>> a phpBB server - I think it would be a lot easier for everyone to
>> work
>>>>> with it and would be happy to run that if it is affected?
>> I think one of the main issues with moving to a phpbb system is that
>> many of us here enjoy getting the list on our Newtons, and phpbb and
>> the Newton browsers don't work together (unless something's changed
>> that I missed).
>> I say stay with the mailinglist format.
>> -Tim
> I agree. Not to mention that if you prefer that format it is possible
> to view (not post) in the method of your choice even via RSS feeds if
> you prefer via the link below that Victor just posted:
> This gives a member option to use the viewer you are most
> comfortable with.

I'd be more than happy to take over. I'm running mailing
lists with mailman and I have (in addition to options like phpbb,
wordpress and joomlacms) a mailing list archive system that I built
for web-based access to the other mailing lists I host.

I haven't tested my archive system in NewtsCape in quite some time,
but I'm more than happy to modify the page templates if there's a
viewing issue. I don't think it would take too much doing. Here, it's
a bit cruse, but:

I suspect that whatever software is running now I may well
be able to support as well. I'd have to hear a little more about it.
I can easily set up MediaWiki, don't know what wiki engine is
currently used for wikiwikinewt.

You might see a conflict of interest, as I also have hosted a palm
users list! But that list was always very small and we talked about
much more than just the PalmOS devices... I've always considered that
to be a general handheld/pen-based device forum than PalmOS.

An additional domain or five won't cost me any more to host. I only
see actually getting the data transferred as an issue. If you're
currently using ASP or .net that could be a problem, but if it's all
running wholesome unix-y software I'd be pleased to put it up on my

Please let me know how I can help, and my apologies if it's already
been settled. I just resubscribed after some absence as I just bought
an eMate to match my beloved MP2100.


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Received on Wed Mar 28 12:33:37 2007

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