It's really no big deal. I had assumed that given all the hurdles and
barring the return of Paul Guyot, it was all gone.
No worries.
On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 9:51 PM, John Broughton <> wrote:
> Scott,
> The Newton uses a different file format for storage on an external card and these cards cannot be read on a PC or a Mac using any utility I've ever seen. In addition, the card itself is a "flash" card and not the more common "Compact Flash" cards and, again, cannot be read on a PC or Mac. This has come up from time to time on the list. Try doing a list search for more information. The only way I know to test the card is to try it in another Newton to eliminate the Newton itself as the problem. Past that, your data is probably toast.
> Sorry for the bad news.
> R
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