Re: [NTLK] Question about Newton and WLAN (on Mac OS-X 10.4.11)

From: Woody Smith <>
Date: Tue Oct 28 2008 - 15:10:37 EDT

If your plan is to use your mac a router with manual setup for the Newt
here is the setup that I have tried and it works. Keep in mind that
the newton will connect only to connection software, in your case
probably NCX.
But if you have your mac connected to a wired lan line then you will
be able to connect to the internet.

Credit to Peter Hoffman

I don't know what went wrong but if it still doesn't work, here is the
full text

=======================================Ok, i am done..
Here is what did me success:

On the Newton side, if you have installed "Lantern Patch" , "More
Wifi Cards"and "Farallon Enet". remove those. It is important that
the Wifi card shows up, if you tap the card button on Avi s backdrop!
If it does not show up, something is wrong.

Wifi Card Setup:
mode- infrastucture,
Channel 3 (ignored)
SSID: my iMacs Name

Generic Internet Setup on Newton:
Name: Wifi Setup
Configuration: manual
Card: Avaya (Lucent Silver)
Local IP Address:
Gateway/Router Address:
Primary DNS: whatever your router says..
Domaine name: none

iMac Setup.
On SytemPreferences, Network ,Prefpane Airport:
Airport: Connect automatically
TCP/IP: IPv4: DHCP with manual Address
Subnetmask: ( you can not change that)
DNS Server: whatever your router says.
Apple Talk: No

On SytemPreferences, Sharing ,Internet:
Use connection: Ethernet
with computers using: Airport

Before you should have select "Create network" from the Airport Icon
in the menu bar. Choose automatic and No WEP. The name should be your
iMacs name.
(maybe you can try WEP on both sides, depending on your card)

Now you should be done..

On Oct 28, 2008, at 1:09 PM, wrote:

> Hi friends again,
> four days ago I already asked you for help to establish a WLAN
> with/between my newton and Mac.
> I got some help from here (thanks again), but I don't have success.
> Let me tell you the facts (as far as I understand it... :-(
> 1. Newton MessagePad 2100 (Orinoco Card, that mount's as "Lucent
> WaveLAN/IEEE")
> When I try a connection, the card is busy blinking with two LEDs...
> 2. Mac Mini Intel (means no Classic mode possible - OK, I could with
> an elder powerbook, but at least I'd like to use the Newton with the
> mini.
> 3. My Mini is connected with an internal network and internet via
> ethernet cable and router (non-Apple). The router has
> WLAN-capabilities. Another mini works fluently via WiFi to the router
> (only Internet no internal net till now), I think that means it is
> established and works.
> 4. My Mini has built-in Airportcard (extreme).
> ---------------------------------------------
> Now, what I don't understand:
> a) can I/shall I establish a connection computer-to-computer between
> the Newton and the Mini???

You can, see above

> That's to say: Can I even establish a connection between the two
> machines without the router?
> or
> b) do I always have to go over the router to connect the Newton with
> the Mini?

it is easiest if you can

> I never established such a computer-to-computer-network, so I don't
> know that at all.
> Also I don't know how I can identify an established connection
> between newton and Mini. (?)

The newton can only connect to connection software that you have
running on the Mac

> There are too many options on the newton (and the mac), I'm really
> confused now.
> Well, the Mac mini has a name and the connection has a name (I
> believe last is, what I have to type in on the SSID. -?)
> For example: (on the newton) I do have to go over the "dock", - right?
> I have to tap on "AppleTalk"
> but then, at "connect with" I choose the name of the Mini (the
> machine's name!). Is that OK?

> Why does my newton then asks me to choose a Computer (under the
> headline of my Mini's name)???
> Then I can choose between * Desktop computer and then * none or
> * others...

choose Other

> When I choose "others..." the newton seems to search, - but doesn't
> find anything.

You have some problem in your setup. see above

> Hannibal is ante portas, but nobody opens the doors....
> Am I stupid or is it just to different from my former experiences on
> the mac? :-((
> What you should know yet:
> I'm not (really) interested to go surfing on the web with my Newton.
> I mainly want to transfer data between Newton and the Mac mini and I
> would like to synch Data of Newton and OS-X's addressbook & iCal etc.
> All sources I found about that didn't meet just my wish.
> Any ideas to let me find success?
> Stefan
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