I just wanted to update the list. www.newtonknowledge.info is really starting to take form. Thanks Matej, Tony Morrow, et al. for the superb articles that have exceeded my expectations.
The site now has some excellent, informative information that you would be hard pressed to find anywhere else. The way they are written is also very well done: reads better than most business knowledge databases even. So thanks for the contributions and keep them coming. Anyone wanting to contribute just visit www.newtonknowledge.info and sign up. If you have some articles that you think would be a good fit but don't use wikis very much, you can also Email that info offlist and I will get it up on the site for you.
Just remember if you are posting an article to try not to use any links, but to include all of the pertinent information within the article itself. As explained on the site, the reason for this is that links are constantly expiring and, in some cases, rendered inaccessible.
Thanks again.
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Received on Wed Aug 19 20:11:56 2009
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