[NTLK] New Newton user! Also, question re. connecting to Vista PC.

Bjorn Keizers bjorn.keizers at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 15:01:31 EST 2009

Thanks for the welcome, Joe. Can't wait to get that 130 :D

> I'm pretty sure that an HP wouldn't have a localtalk port, that port is probably an s-video out port which looks identical to an ADB port and almost like a Mac serial port (thanks goes out to Dennis for informing me that s-video and ADB are twins) .

I'm no expert. Never used one of these ports. It does have a little S
next to it with an TV-set... so yeah, probably video. The cable
supplied with the Emate actually fits perfectly. I was considering a
serial-to-USB adapter anyway... Guess I'll have to hunt around the PC
part shops this weekend :-)

If all else fails, I guess I'll have to dig out an old serial-port
equipped PC. That still leaves me with the search for proper software,
either XP or Vista compatible. I don't want to bother with virtual
machine stuff if I can avoid it.


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